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Honorary Advisor


Honorary Advisor


Judy Mann

Judy Mann

Judy was the Chief Designer of Thayer International New York before she set up her own company – Cheetah Management Company Limited and established her own designer label “Judy Mann”. She is not only good at stylish separate co-ordinates, but also admired by many people for her everlasting inspiration knitwear designs.

With 30 years’ fashion design experiences, she has been highly reputed for her expertise and global vision in fashion business. Her worldwide exposure has gained her an in-depth understanding of fashion trade operation and strategic planning. Her knowledge of marketing skills and her understanding of consumer behaviour, buying patterns and trend directions in major markets in the world, have brought Judy full confidence in being a successful fashion consultant, and consequently becomes the icon of fashion veteran in the industry.

Judy is a founder member of the HK Fashion Designers Association and the first Chairman, and continued the chairmanship for 8 years. She is also renowned as an Image Consultant among business corporations and organizations for her training programs on Personal Professional Image enhancement.

In 2009, always looking ahead, Judy started to work together with the global leader in retail technology- Megasoft Ltd. to develop and promote a suite of hardware and software system and solution for Fashion Retail business as well as Jewelry and Watch. These advance technologies do not only give customers electrifying new shopping experience, but also help the Retail industry to solve daily operation problems and increase sales.

文麗賢於創辦「緻達商理有限公司」及個人品牌 JUDY MANN(朱迪曼)之前,曾任紐約著名時裝公司 - Thayer International總設計師。她不僅精於設計富型格的時尚便服,她那靈感源源不絕的針織設計,更令人讚賞。 從事時裝設計三十年,賺來良好聲譽,更累積了不可多得的國際經驗,不愧為香港時裝界的表表者。

她熟諳國際服裝市場的運作及主要市場之特點。非常了解東方和西方人的生活習慣、品味與消費模式,從而更能把握設計方向、市場策劃及推廣策略等。 她是「香港時裝設計師協會」創辦人之一,並任首屆主席及連任8年。

另一方面,文麗賢亦是位資深形象顧問。 作為時裝人,文麗賢的特質是想法前瞻,她洞察到時裝企業擴張越大,管理問題就越多。於是,于2009年參與了零售科技的領導者Megasoft Ltd. (萬信電子科技有限公司) 的工作,負責發展及推廣一系列專為時裝零售及珠寶鐘錶而設計的先進科技系統。最令她振奮的是這些智能科技,不僅給顧客帶來一個全新的、興奮的購物體驗,還能解決店前及幕後的各種管理問題,提升品牌形象和效率,增加效益。文麗賢期望借助智能科技,揭開時裝零售新的一頁。

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