Renowned both in the local and overseas industries, many of HKFDA's successful and talented members have become a strong force in building and developing the fashion design industry. Their talented and professional works include designers’ collections, brand collections, brand buildings, brand and professional image consultancies, and many more.
Become a HKFDA member
HKFDA offers memberships solely to well-established designers with solid fashion design background and relevant academic qualifications; or to those recommended by our existing members. Outstanding fresh design graduates would also be invited to join the Association to add new design force to the fashion industry.
Except for Junior Membership, an application for membership with the Association should be supported by recommendations (in writing) from at least two existing Full Members. Junior Membership is by invitation only. The applicant will present his portfolio to the Association's Executive Committee for examination upon request. The applicant or invitee should be a Hong Kong resident, or have lived in the territory for a minimum of 7 years.
Admission to the Association is subject to the approval of the Association's Executive Committee.
除新晉會員會藉外,申請入會須由兩名現任會員書面推薦,而新晉會員只有在獲邀請下方可申請入會。故在本會要求下,申請人必需提供他/她的作品設計樣本或資料予本會作參巧用途。 申請人必需為香港居民,或在香港居住滿七年或以上。申請入會必須經本會之執行委員研究及通過。